以下の規約はお客様が弊社をご利用頂く全ての事柄に適応されます。 当サイトのご利用はお客様の意思・責任により行い、当サイトの規約は申込者本人と 同行する全ての皆様が承認頂いたものとします。これは利用者のために和訳したものであり正式な内容は英文で書かれた原文を基本とします。
全てのツアーへのお申し込みは、特約がないときはお客様が日本を出発される7日前までの入金を基本原則とします。ツアーによりそれより早いものもございます(スポーツ観戦 短期留学 船や鉄道 食事のおたてかえが出るときなど)。また逆に 当社がお客様の利便上 当日集金を含み7日前より遅い支払いをご提案する場合もございます。また緊急予約で電話、ファックス、電子メイルなどで空席をご確認の上弊社が予約を受け付けたものはこの限りではありません。特別なお約束のやり取りが無い場合は7日前になります。
お申し込み頂いたツアーを取り消したい場合 又は変更したい場合 は各ツアー 各サービスに明記された取消料や変更料金を支払うことでお取り消しやご変更が可能になります。
慢性疾患をお持ちの方、妊娠中の方、乳幼児がいる方、障害をお持ちの方、介助者を必要とされる方はツアーの内容によってご参加頂けない、又はご参加 に条件が付く可能性があります。事前にお問合せ下さい。ツアー参加に当り特別な処置を施した場合、それに対して発生する費用に関しては、お客様の負担とさ せて頂きます。
*ご旅行中、または旅行前、天災、火災、不慮の事故、政府及び公共団体の命令・政変・ストライキ・戦争・暴動・流行病・隔離・税関規則など、不可抗 力事由により生じた予定変更、損害、盗難・詐欺・暴行・疾病・傷害など、旅行主催者の責任外の事故による損害ついては当社は免責されます。
*お客様が法令もしくは公序良俗に反する行為を行った場合また各州の条例、法律を犯した場合また当社のガイド 通訳 ドライバーを侮辱するよう行為を行った場合は当社はたとえツアー中であってもツアーおよびサービスを中断する権利を持っているものとします、またそのによりお客様に生じた損害については当社は一切の責任を負いかねます。
Terms of Service
The terms of service below apply to all cases in which you make use of our services. By using this website, you agree to accept the terms of service.
The contract between you and this website is formed when we receive a bank payment for reserved tours, or when we receive confirmation that you will pay us in person on the day of the tour and we send a message confirming your tour reservation.
When you apply for a tour, you agree to pay for services up to seven days before departing Japan, unless otherwise noted. Depending on the tour, you may have to pay at an earlier date (sports games, study abroad programs, boats, trains, and food may have to be payed for in advance). Alternatively, we may request that you pay for services at a later date, including on the date of service. In the case of last-minute reservations, after confirming seat availability by phone, fax, or e-mail, payment may be expected at a different date. Unless otherwise noted, you agree to pay seven days before departing Japan.
In order to cancel or change a reservation for a tour, you must first pay any associated fees noted on the page for that individual tour. In the case of sports games or other events, it may not be possible to offer a refund once we have arranged your tour because tickets are purchased in advance of the tour.
Any costs associated with creating a tour (in the case of both optional or custom-made tours), such as those associated with travel advice or research involved in arranging for a tour guide or translator, are either included in the price of the tour or will require an extra fee, which we will charge after obtaining your consent. We also reserve the right to seek payment for costs, time, and/or services involved in estimating the cost of a tour, in research, or in the creation of a product. In the occasional event that you make use of our travel products without our permission, we reserve the right to seek damages.
We do not provide a refund if you get separated from your tour group. If you disturb other members of a tour, the tour conductor may separate you from your group. In the event that this happens, we will not provide a refund for the cost of the tour.
Depending on the tour, we may not allow participation of people with chronic diseases, those who are pregnant, those who have babies, those who are handicapped, or those who require the help of an aide. In other cases, certain conditions may apply to participation. Please contact us for more information in advance of your tour date. Any costs associated with special services provided for tour participation are your responsibility.
We are not responsible for any interference with your post-tour plans due to delays caused by weather or traffic conditions.
*We are not responsible for changes in travel plans (before or during travel) caused by natural disasters, fires, unforeseen accidents, government orders, political change, strikes, war, rioting, epidemics and associated quarantine, customs regulations, or any other uncontrollable event. We are also not responsible for any damages, theft, fraud, assault, illness, bodily harm, etc., that may occur during travel.
*Due to uncontrollable circumstances (ie. weather and social conditions), your travel plans may change, be delayed, or be cancelled. We are not responsible if a change in your plans prevents you from participating in a tour or event, or if such a change causes you to miss your flight.
*Tour prices may change due to unforeseeable circumstances. In the event of a price change, we will inform you as soon as possible. We reserve tours only after we have received your consent.
*Depending on the service, a partner company may be in charge of a tour. In this situation, we are only responsible for arranging the tour.
*We are not responsible for any injuries in the event that you commit any illegal or improper actions.
*We reserve the right to suspend tours and/or services (ie. during a tour) in the event that you commit an illegal or improper act, or in the event that you insult our tour guide, translator, or driver. We are not responsible for any injuries caused by such actions.